Home is wherever I'm with you

It’s finally beginning to feel like spring and we are taking advantage of it! Enjoying taking the kids outside for family adventure walks, I can see their little minds taking it all in!

Now that the weather is giving us hope of summer my little Sophie is insisting on dresses, skirts, and sun hats

Details. I love photographing my kids little perfect details

Emma especially dislikes having her picture taken. I especially like taking her picture. She connects with the camera in a deep way, I almost feel like I can see inside her heart and know who she is, who she will become. She is a smart, beautiful, fierce little human and I can’t wait to see […]

Today you turned six years old. Today you wore a sparkly crown to school because you were so excited to be the birthday girl. Today you spun in circles for what seemed like hours so you could watch it twirl. And as the day ended you quietly looked out the window. I was captivated because […]
